Life support training for Grandmedical employees

Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital provided life support (CPR) training to its employees. Specialist Dr. Çiğdem Yüksel and Dr. In the training given by Mohammed Avarand, the details of first aid applied to revive the person in cases such as sudden cardiac arrest or inability to breathe were explained.
Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital provided life support (CPR) training to all its employees within the scope of in-house training activities. Çiğdem Yüksel, one of the Gynecologists of the hospital, to the emergency, inpatient service and neonatal intensive care staff, and Dr. Mohammed Avarand informed other staff. During the training activity, first aid methods used to revive the person in cases such as sudden cardiac arrest or inability to breathe were explained. Expert stated that the application is of vital importance. Dr. Yüksel stated that CPR application is the whole of the methods applied in emergency cases such as sudden stop of the heart and breathing.
According to scientific data, if CPR is applied within four minutes at the latest in cases of cardiac arrest or inability to breathe, 7 percent of patients come back to life without any problems. While no brain damage usually occurs within the first four minutes, if CPR is started during this period, the chance of saving the patient without permanent damage increases. The majority of deaths from cardiac arrest are due to not performing CPR and not being able to get to the hospital on time. Especially with CPR performed consciously, the chance of patients returning to life increases.