Patient Communication Unit

Patient Communication Unit

You have rights as a patient!

  • Benefiting from the service in general: Within the framework of the principles of justice and equity, there is the right to receive service regardless of race, language, religion and sect, gender, political thought, philosophical belief, economic and social status.
  • Right to Inform and Request Information: He has the right to learn about all kinds of health services and opportunities and to receive all kinds of information about his health status, verbally or in writing.
  • The Right to Recognize, Choose and Change the Health Institution and its Personnel: The right to choose and change the health institution, learn, choose and change the identities, duties and titles of the physicians and other health professionals who will provide health services.
  • Right to Privacy: He has the right to receive all kinds of health services in an environment that is suitable for confidentiality.
  • Safety: They have the right to receive health care in a safe environment.
  • Respect and Comfort: They have the right to be respected and taken care of and to receive a friendly health service.
  • Informed Consent: He has the right to learn about the medical facts about himself, the proposed medical interventions, the possible risks and benefits of each intervention, the different options of the proposed interventions, the effect of being untreated, the diagnosis, the outcome and the course of treatment.
  • Fulfilling Religious Duties: The health institution has the right to fulfill its religious obligations within the limits of its possibilities and within the framework of the measures taken by the administration.
  • Visiting and Having a Companion: It has the right to accept visitors in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by the health institutions and organizations, and to request to have a companion within the possibilities of the health institutions and organizations and if the physician deems it appropriate.
  • Application and Litigation: It has the right to all kinds of applications, complaints and lawsuits within the framework of the legislation.
  • Right to Confidentiality of Information: All patients; has the right to request that information about his treatment be kept confidential.
  • The Right to Refuse and Stop Treatment: Everyone has the right to refuse and stop treatment at any time.

You have rights as a patient!

1) General Responsibilities: People should do their best to take care of their own health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.

2) Social Security Status: Patient; It is obliged to notify changes in health, social security and personal information in a timely manner.

3) Informing Healthcare Professionals: Patient; He should give full and complete information about his complaints, whether he received any inpatient treatment for his previous diseases, the drugs he still uses, if any, and all information about his health.

4) Compliance with Hospital Rules: - Patient ; should comply with the rules and practices of the health institution to which they apply.

- The patient; It is expected to cooperate with healthcare professionals during the treatment, care and rehabilitation process.

- Patient ; If he is using a health facility that provides service by appointment, he must comply with the date and time of the appointment and notify the relevant place of the changes.

- The patient should respect the rights of hospital staff, other patients and visitors.

- Patient; have to pay for the damage caused to the hospital equipment.

5) Compliance with Recommendations Regarding Treatment:

- The patient; He should listen carefully to the advice about treatment and drugs and ask about the places he does not understand.

- The patient; In case of inability to comply with the recommendations regarding the treatment, the health worker should be informed.

- Patient; He/she should indicate whether he/she understands the health care and post-discharge care plan correctly as expected.

- Patient; he is responsible for the consequences that may arise due to refusing the treatment to be applied or not complying with the recommendations.