Peace and trust prevail in Manisa

Peace and trust prevail in Manisa

Peace and trust prevail in Manisa

Manisa Provincial Police Chief Fahri Aktaş said that they broke down many criminal networks with the intense control activities and operations they carried out throughout the province, and especially dealt a big blow to drugs. Emphasizing that their priority is children and young people, Aktaş said that he visited all high schools in a period of approximately 3.5 months and listened to the problems of young people and educators first hand.
Fahri Aktaş, who was appointed as Manisa Provincial Police Chief at the beginning of August, ensured that peace and trust were maximized throughout the province with the successful work he carried out in a short time. Aktaş, who responded to the congratulatory visits made after he took office with return visits, met with the management of Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital yesterday in this context. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Expert. Dr. Üzeyir Dindar, Chief Physician Op. Dr. Provincial Police Chief Aktaş, who was welcomed by Mümtaz Kahya, Financial Affairs Coordinator Enes Dindar and Hospital Manager Mehmet Başaran, gave information about the activities carried out throughout Manisa.


Stating that very positive results were obtained from the inspection activities carried out with dozens of teams and hundreds of personnel almost every day, Aktaş stated that many gangs, especially drug dealers, were collapsed and many wanted suspects or convicted persons were caught. Pointing out that 26 of 38 people who were caught on suspicion of drug dealing in an operation recently carried out in Manisa were arrested, Aktaş emphasized that they did not tolerate these networks that poison young people. Hospital Board Chairman Dr. Üzeyir Dindar stated that they were very pleased with the successful activities carried out.