We explained the importance of organ donation

We explained the importance of organ donation

We explained the importance of organ donation

Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital opened a stand at the entrance of the hospital to raise awareness among citizens within the scope of Organ Donation Week and distributed brochures to its guests regarding the importance of the issue.
Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital informed its guests who came to the hospital about organ donation within the framework of social responsibility projects. At the information stand opened at the entrance of the hospital, medical personnel gave citizens detailed information about organ donation and brochures on the subject were presented. Hospital Chief Physician Op. Dr. Mümtaz Kahya emphasized the importance of organ donation and said, "Every donation is a new life. It should not be forgotten that organ donation is the greatest legacy to be left to the future" and reminded that organ donations in Turkey are made under the control and supervision of the Ministry of Health.