Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

About the Branch

Endocrinology, etymologically, means Endo (internal) crino (secretory) logic (science). The structures we call hormones, which are transferred to the blood by the endocrine glands in our body, control many mechanisms in our body along with other systems, and the branch of science that examines this whole system is called endocrinology.

It is a branch of medicine that examines the functions of the endocrine glands, diseases caused by abnormal work and their treatments. Endocrinology is the main subject of endocrinology, the glands of endocrine glands, the functions of these glands, the hormones they secrete and metabolic diseases.

The endocrine system organs, the endocrine system organs, the scarcity and excess of the hormones secreted and the tumors of these glands are the subjects of endocrinology. In addition to these, diabetes (diabetes), obesity (obesity), nutrition and diet, high cholesterol and triglyceride (blood fats), high uric acid, metabolic syndrome, metabolism of vitamins (especially vitamin D) and minerals (especially calcium) and osteoporosis (bone Metabolism diseases such as dissolution) are included in the field of endocrinology.


Pituitary Gland Diseases

  • Pituitary gland insufficiency (HYPOPITUITARISM)
  • Prolactin (milk hormone) hormone excess (PROLAKTINOMA)
  • Cortisol hormone excess (CUSHING'S DISEASE)
  • Excess growth hormone (GH) (ACROMEGAL)
  • Growth hormone deficiency and short stature (mainly the subject of pediatric endocrinology, but can sometimes be seen in adults)
  • Diabetes without diabetes (DIABETS INSIPIDUS)

Thyroid Gland (Goiter) Gland Diseases

  • Goiter (thyroid gland enlargement)
  • Overwork of the thyroid gland ( HYPERTHROID/ toxic goiter)
  • Underactive thyroid gland (HYPOTHYROID)
  • Nodular thyroid diseases
  • Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland (THYROIDITS)
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Thyroid cancers

Parathyroid Gland Diseases

  • Parathyroid hormone excess (HYPERPARATHYROID)
  • Parathyroid hormone deficiency (HYPOPARATHYROID)

Adrenal Gland (Adrenal Or Adrenal) Diseases

  • Cortisol hormone excess (CUSHING SYNDROME)
  • Cortisol hormone deficiency (ADDISON'S DISEASE)
  • Aldosterone hormone excess (HYPERaldosteronism / CONN SYNDROME)
  • Adrenaline hormone excess (FEOCROMOCYTOMA)

Ovaries (Over) And Diseases

  • Sex hormone deficiencies in women (HYPOGONADISM)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (absence of menstruation, weight gain and hair growth)
  • Hairiness (HIRSUTISM)

Testis And Its Hormones

  • Testosterone hormone deficiency (HYPOGONADISM)
  • Breast enlargement in men (Gynecomastia)
  • Erectile dysfunction and impotence (hormonal/testosterone deficiency)
  • Non-development of testicles and penis and no beard (HYPOGONADISM)


  • Diabetes (Diabetes)
  • Sugar drops (HYPOglycemias)
  • Insulin resistance syndrome (METABOLIC SYNDROME) (obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, sugar elevation…)
  • Weight problems, especially overweight (OBESITY) and nutrition, weight control
  • Gestational diabetes during pregnancy and thyroid diseases in pregnant women
  • Bone resorption (OSTEOPOROsis)
  • Diseases related to certain vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin D and calcium metabolism)
  • High cholesterol and blood fats (Triglyceride)
  • Uric acid elevation
  • Endocrinological tumoral diseases (NEUROENDOCrine TUMORS)